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Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu Circuit Equivalents

In order to preserve the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu for future generations, the Peruvian Ministry of Culture has now separated all visits to Machu Picchu into 10 smaller routes each requiring its own ticket. By law this will go into effect June 1st, 2024.

Therefore, if you purchased your Machu Picchu tickets prior to May 15, 2024 but your entry date is after June 1st, 2024, then you have the old circuits on your ticket, at the entrance you will be given the choice to choose one of the new routes based on the following table:

If your ticket is: At entrance, you will have to choose only one of the routes based on availability:
Your ticket says the entire words: "Circuit 1 or 2" or
Your ticket says the entire words "Circuit 1,2,3 or 4"
Your ticket says the entire words: "Circuit 1 or 2 + Inca Bridge"
Machu Picchu mountain ticket + Circuit 3
Huayna Picchu mountain ticket + Circuit 4 Circuit 3 Huayna Picchu
Huchuy Picchu mountain ticket + Circuit 4 Circuit 3 Huchuy Picchu
Inca Trail 4-day, 2-day, or VIP ticket You keep the same route as your old ticket. Circuit 5 (also was known as 3)